One Church – One Day

The Vision of One Church – One Day is the Church in Ottawa united in strategic prayer.

One Church – One Day

One Church – One Day is a prayer initiative where local churches in a city commit to praying for specific prayer points on a designated day each month.

Each church can choose its own day and method of prayer, whether, individually, or in groups, with the goal of praying for 24 hours or a portion of the day.

The initiative encourages unity among churches, allowing them to focus on strategic prayer points for our city’s felt and spiritual needs as outlined in a Community Prayer Guide.

John 17:21

that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Psalm 133:3

“It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.

How do I get started?

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3

1. Sign Up

In One Church – One Day, churches each sign up for a day on the Calendar when they will pray every month for their congregation and from the Community Prayer Guide. See what days are available on the Prayer Calendar.

2. Cover Your Day

Churches decide how they will cover “their” day, e.g. 24-hour roster, or other means. It is not necessary to fill all 24 hours, and churches pray according to their own culture and traditions.



3. Prayer Guide

The Community Prayer Guide, updated monthly, is sent to all participating churches, with prayer requests from nine Sectors of Civic life such as Family, Education, Government, etc. Teams of representatives working in those Sectors provide the prayer requests.

Prayer Guide

Click Here for the Community Prayer Guide

Prayer Calendar

Click Here for the Prayer Calendar

Get started today

One Church – One Day in Ottawa will make our “soft launch” in January 2025. There is room on the Calendar for more congregations to join. Contact us to find out more and sign up!

List of sectors

Arts & Culture


Body of Christ





Police, Fire & EMS


Get in touch

Send us a Message. Please contact us with any questions or suggestions you have.


89 Auriga Drive
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z2

One Church – One Day is a new team under Pray Ottawa, which is part of the One Way Ministries family

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